Selected Works by Carolee Schneemann

Black and white photo of artist reclining naked in front of paintings.
Eye Body: 36 Transformative Actions for Camera, 1963
partially nude bodies entertwined in dance, holding parts of chicken bodies
Meat Joy, 1964
Laughing couple in filmstrip.
Fuses, 1964 – 1967
b/w photo of Schneemann mid performance; she is nude and slightly hunched over; she is removing a thin paper scroll from her vagina and reading it
Interior Scroll, 1975
Abstract painting that is green and orange in color, with a small amount of blue. Black is used to outline and highlight the other colors.
Winter’s Fuel I, 1956
Expressionist painting with nude reclining male figure and several cats.
Personae: JT and Three Kitchs, 1957
Gestural painting of nude from behind.
Three Figures after Pontormo, 1957
Gestural painting that is mostly yellow with greens, blues, pinks, reds, and oranges.
Aria Duetto Pin Wheel, 1957
Gestrual painting in a warm color palette of pinks, oranges, browns, yellows, and blues.
Winter’s Fuel II, 1960
abstract painting on canvus, mostly white and blue with broad, gestural strokes and sweeps of other colors; there are some multi-media elements encorporated such as photographs
Tenebration, 1960
A bright gestural painting with a protruding cardboard frame on theft side. Blurring the boundary between painting and sculpture, these frames hold various materials within them. Two small black and white portraits are also featured within this work.
Sir Henry Francis Taylor, 1960
construction on plywood base made from wood, wire, fur, bottles, broom handle, flag, photograph
Colorado House, 1962