
Rachel Churner, Director

Rachel Helm, Manager

Carolee Schneemann Foundation
437 Springtown Road
New Paltz, NY 12561
instagram: @schneemannfoundation

The work of Carolee Schneemann is represented by Lisson Gallery and
P·P·O·W, New York.

Rights and Reproductions
The Foundation holds the copyright for Carolee Schneemann’s artworks. If you wish to reproduce an artwork by Carolee Schneemann, please contact Artist’s Rights Society at 212-420-9160 or The Foundation can assist with high-resolution images should they be required. Please email for more information.

Board of Directors
Sara Vance Waddell, President
Jenny Jaskey, Vice-President
Walter Sudol, Treasurer
Patricia Cronin
Stephanie LaCava
Maia Ruth Lee
Justine Ludwig

Design by Ayham Ghraowi and Matt Wolff

ABC – We Print Anything – In the Cards, 1977
Eye Body: 36 Transformative Actions for Camera, 1963
Aria Duetto Pin Wheel, 1957
Venus Vectors, 1986 – 1988