Fresh Blood - A Dream Morphology, 1981 – 1986

lecture-performance (1981-86) and video (1983), color, sound
11 min.

Vulvic puns, jokes and ruminations on the meanings of menstrual blood activate a range of taboos surrounding cultural notions of the feminine as a metaphoric battle ground of the body and of language itself. Schneemann, naked and in red pajamas, merged her physical movements within a continuous slide projection. The projected images weave into archeology of unconscious forms, pulled to the surface of conscious recognition.

the artist lays on her side, arm and leg sticking up into the air and an upside down umbrella behind her head; behind her is a background of black line drawings and text
the artist stands in a red outfit with the front unbuttoned, arms extended to either side and an umbrella clutched in one hand; the background is a series of black, linear, hand drawn images and text