Carl Ruggles’ Christmas Breakfast, 1963

Film, 8mm, enlarged to 16mm, sepia toned, separate sound. 3:30 and 7 min. versions.

Schneemann’s first 16mm film is a portrait of the distinguished American composer Carl Ruggles. Through her partner, composer James Tenney, Schneemann became a close and trusted friend with the reclusive composer who permitted a casual film to be made during his 87th birthday breakfast in Vermont. He became aware that Tenney and Schneemann had also hidden a tape recorder under his bed to capture his eloquent and passionate explications on Ives, Varese, Schoenberg and the state of contemporary music.

b/w photo of a man sitting in a chair; the figure is obstructed by black shadows breaking across the frame
b/w photo of a profile of a man's face, shrowded by black extending from the sides of the frame
Fuses, 1964 – 1967
Infinity Kisses I (Cluny), 1981 – 1987
Catscan, 1988
Fuses, 1964 – 1967